校友会宗旨之一是为校友提供职业发展的平台。在此,我们很荣兴告诉大家,我们和湾区知名职业发展平台Leap.ai 达成了合作。 Leap.ai 是由清华杰出校友Richard Liu与 Yunkai Zhou 创办。通过机器学习与团队在谷歌积累的丰富招聘经验,Leap 帮助用户找到最适合他们的工作机会,包括科技行业里的技术类和非技术类职位。
正在考虑换工作?或是需要帮助修改简历?请登陆本链接在 Leap.ai 上注册账户。 作为清华校友,你可以使用这个折扣码享受免费的 Standard Package:THUNC(价值$50)。
如果你在寻找科技行业里的工作机会,或者只是需要帮忙修改简历,Leap.ai 都会是你的好帮手。如果有任何关于 Leap.ai 产品或服务的问题,请联系 contact@leap.ai。
Are you looking for a career change or need help with your resume?
We are excited to announce a partnership with Leap.ai (leap.ai/tsinghua-nc), founded by fellow alumni Richard Liu and Yunkai Zhou. Leap connects people with the best matching job opportunities in the tech industry for both technical and non-technical roles using machine learning technology and the team’s rich hiring experience from Google.
Please sign up on leap.ai using a special URL for LEAP: As a Tsinghua-NC user, you can also get Leap.ai Standard Package for free by using a promotion code: THUNC ($50 value).
If you are looking for a job in the tech industry or simply want help with your resume, Leap.ai is a great resource. If you have any questions about the service, you can contact contact@leap.ai.

Richard Liu (刘友忠)介绍 清华大学自动化系校友,刘友忠博士集在谷歌长期担任工程总监一职,先后负责 Enterprise Search, Shopping, Offers 和 Project Fi。2016年4月,他离开Google创办了 leap.ai,利用 AI 来打造下一代的职业发展平台,助力用户完成自己职业的梦想。LinkedIn Profile