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電磁輻射安全講座 7/18 中工會舊金山分會

Free seminar on 7/18 about RF safety by CIE-SF

The dramatic increase in man-made radio frequency (RF) fields in the environment during the last few decades has led to public health concerns in many parts of the world. Specifically, questions have been raised about the safety of exposure to RF energy emitted from radar, television, and radio communication systems.

Here is a free event on 7/18 can answer your questions about the RF safety hosted by Chinese Institute of Engineers/USA-SF in IngDan Experience Center. The speaker is the chair of the IEEE Committee on Electromagnetic Safety which defined the safety standard for the world. He can answer your questions about RF safety if you have any. His talk is popular in many companies like Motorola, JPL (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and different IEEE chapter seminars.

Speaker: Dr. C-K Chou

IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety TC95 Chairman

Title: Why are people worried about radio frequency exposures?

Time: 7/18/2017 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (Tue.)

Venue: IngDan Experience Center, 4500 Great America Parkway, Suite# 250, Santa Clara CA


電磁輻射安全講座 7/18 中工會舊金山分會

您的工作會操作電器進行實驗嗎? 您經常使用手機WiFi藍芽等無線通訊產品嗎? 您想知道高壓輸電纜上的輻射對人體有任何危害嗎? 您想知道電磁輻射的安全規範是如何訂定出來的以及最新的醫學研究進展嗎?

中國工程師學會舊金山分會在7/18 星期二晚上將舉辦一場免費的講座,請到電機電子工程師學會IEEE電磁安全委員會的主席周重光博士為您解惑。周重光博士是當今世界上首屈一指的手機與人體健康與安全的專家,整個 carrier 皆從事 RF 對人體與動物的影響,曾任美國國家放射防護委員會委員,並主持多項國際電磁波安全標准制訂工作。他的演講在各大學,Motorola,JPL(噴射推進實驗室)極受歡迎。許多聽眾都向他表示如果能更早聽到他的演講就好了。周博士將用最新的科學研究報告,破解網路上的都市傳說。他也會分享一些電磁輻射安全相關的趣談。

Time: 7/18/2017 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (Tue.)

Venue: IngDan Experience Center, 4500 Great America Parkway Suite# 250, Santa Clara CA

Speaker: Dr. C-K Chou

IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety TC95 Chairman

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